Imagine buying AN overseas dREAM HOME THAt:

paid for itself, delivered strong cash flow 

and funded your retirement...

There is a FOOLISH way and a SAVVY Way To invest


Go to a Bar and consume 5 margaritas. 

hand over $100,000 to someone you just met to buy real estate.

The Savvy Way

learn the process, do due diligence, Get Legal Title.

don't be another mexico real estate horror story

 you don't need to go it alone

It's never made more sense to invest in foreign real estate than RIGHT NOW now...

understand how to buy your dream home real estate, 

without getting ripped off! Limited Time Offer $247

I’m Dawn Fleming, a former International Business Attorney.  Before law school I had a very successful career in all facets of real estate.  In 2015 we began to explore investing in foreign real estate as a Plan B, as a way to diversify our income.

We had a very successful multiple six figure business, but all our eggs were in that basket.  In 2016, we closed on a stunning Oceanfront Vacation Villa in a fantastic location, with huge upside potential. In 2017, we decide to try out living overseas. Then in 2018 we lost our core business. Our Plan B became our Plan A.  With the Global Pandemic, we woke up Grateful. Every. Single. Day. 

At the time, we didn't know what a SMART decision it would turn out to be... 

You see, after the 2008 crash Tom and I made a bold decision. We had lost two businesses virtually overnight and three properties went into foreclosure. We hung on as best we could for two very tough years. Tom was a 60 year old electrical engineer, and there were no jobs. Our situation became intolerable so we finally said "f**k it" and went forward with our plan in spite of our circumstances.

In October of 2010, we checked out of California, took half a year off and sailed 5000 miles through the Panama Canal to rebuild our lives in Florida. We started over, completely changed careers and finally recovered. We were ready to invest in real estate once again, but were extremely leery of getting burned - again.  After looking at property in Florida, passed. We saw another bubble in the making. Instead we invested in Mexican real estate. We bought an asset that put money in our pocket - instead of a liability we had to feed every month.

We had no plans to move overseas, we simply wanted to safely diversify our income. A year later that all changed: we sold our cars, furniture, most of our belongings and sailed to Mexico to start over - again!  We achieved our goals of living a simpler, richer life - being in nature daily. Not a freeway (much less 6 lanes in each direction) in site. Our investment property has greatly exceeded our expectations and we’ve been asked countless times: "How did you do it?" 

This Real Estate Course is the direct result of the overwhelming number of requests from others like you, asking to “show them the way” to invest in Overseas Real Estate. 

Wouldn't it be great if someone would take you by the hand and walk you through the process? 

What if you could read it and hear it explained SIMPLY to gain the confidence to begin your journey to discover if Overseas Real Estate is for you?

There's a ton of information online, but it is very confusing, mostly incomplete and it's hard to know who you can trust. The most frustrating part of the purchasing process is NOT KNOWING what it is. We would have LOVED to have this valuable and comprehensive resource!



Take the RISK out of Buying Real Estate

in Mexico 

Foreign real estate investment can be the first step in reinventing your life.

What if you had a roadmap to show

you the way?

Do you remember 2008? we sure do. We Lost everything!

They said the Party Would Never Stop...But it DID. 

We had a good plan, but then outside forces intervened... 

We said "Never Again" and Blazed a New Trail...


Investing in foreign real estate made sense to us. Due to ignorance and fear, many said it's too "risky". 

After getting devastated in the 2008 crash, we felt it was MORE risky to invest in U.S. real estate.


After recovering financially, we could have followed the herd and just bought a home.  Instead, we diversified our income and invested overseas.  We were busy, didn't know exactly how, didn't have 

"all cash" to buy. We moved ahead anyway, instinctively knowing it was the right thing to do. 


The time to prepare for a storm is BEFORE it comes, fortunately that's what we did.  We invested in foreign real estate for diversification, asset protection and cash flow.  At the time we had a thriving passive income business. For two years we reinvested every penny back into our property, improving it - and increasing the cash flow it generated.  Then, in the blink of an eye, our thriving business was gone. 

We never saw it coming...but thankfully we had prepared. 

Had we followed the herd, we would have lost it all... again. 

Instead we played it smart....

  No financial guru lead us to the path that saved us.

 Understanding patterns, knowing that when times are good they can change in  moment!

  We're compelled to share our knowledge and wisdom with you!

Here's What You'll Discover:

  The fundamentals of international real estate purchases and how they differ from what you may have experienced back home…

  A comprehensive checklist for performing due diligence abroad—what to look for, what you can count on, and what you can’t…

  How to “hold” your property overseas and the pluses and minuses of buying a property in your own name versus buying via a corporation, trust, or other structure…

 What every investor needs to know about diversifying their assets globally…

  Your options for financing, how to evaluate and take advantage of what may be available to you…

 Critical “rules of the road” you MUST know BEFORE for considering buying ANY property abroad’s all hypothetical until you start looking at and sizing up real-time real estate opportunities.

Wouldn't it be Great if Someone 

would take you by the hand and 

walk you through the process? 

What if you could Read it, Hear it and have Access to other Investors?

Gain confidence peace of mind to discover  if Overseas Real Estate is really for you!

There are more options out there than you know.  You wouldn’t keep all of your money in one business, bank account, stock or rental property. You'd diversify them to better protect your assets.


If all of your investments are in one COUNTRY, then you’re not diversified. 

International Diversification is Critical to a Modern Day investment strategy.

There's a ton of information online, but it is very confusing, mostly incomplete and it's hard to know who you can trust.


The most frustrating part of the entire purchasing process is NOT KNOWING what it is. 

We would have LOVED to have had this valuable and comprehensive resource! 

Dawn has done it And will teach you....

how to invest overseas!

Get Instant Access to 

An Offshore Dirt Bank: How to Protect Your 

Wealth By Buying Overseas Real Estate and these BONUSES! 

Don't Get "Gringo'ed" and become another scammed Real Estate Buyer

Don't Get Gringo'ed Buying overseas real estate Live Workshop recording

  • Dawn's professional views, experience and strategies regarding foreign investment.

  • ​5 major reasons WHY it's a SMART MOVE to invest in foreign real estate 

  • Why foreign markets are LESS VOLATILE than U.S. markets. 

  • ​Make a savvy investment for BOTH PERSONAL and INVESTOR reasons. 

  • ​Know and understand THE most important factors BEFORE you purchase. 

How to Protect Your Wealth by Buying overseas real estate - pdf

  • Discover the 5 major reasons you must invest in offshore real estate  

  • ​Smartly consider THE most important factor BEFORE you purchase. 

  • ​Understand the strategic choices you can employ to achieve your investment goals.

  • ​Learn step-by-step exactly what the REAL purchasing process is in Mexico.

  • ​Uncover the rules of buying in Mexico and MUST TAKE steps required of foreigners. 

  • A Quick Start Buyer's Checklist walks you through the process STEP BY STEP.

How to Protect Your Wealth by Buying overseas real estate Audio

Some like to read, others prefer information via audio.  In addition to the workshop video, and comprehensive pdf Guide, Dawn walks you through the 7 modules in this audio. Dawn adds personal insights in the lessons and information provided. You'll feel like you're having a conversation with a savvy friend who's sharing her amazing and lucrative journey with you!  

And, you' ll also get these exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!

Free Travel Bonus #1

Do Your Due Diligence for FREE

Before making any investment, savvy investors always perform due diligence. That means carefully selecting where to invest. 

International Travel can be very expensive, but it doesn't have to be. This guide could literally save tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses. 

It provides you with four proven, under the radar ways that you can travel the world to find your perfect foreign investment location - FREE. 

re checklist Bonus #2

Foreign Real Estate Agent Checklist

Unlike the U.S. and Canada, foreign real estate professionals are not highly regulated. In fact, most are not even licensed.  

They may not adhere to commonly expected conflict of interest rules or be required to make disclosures to clients. They may or may not be acting in your best interest. 

This Checklist has 15 CRITICAL questions to ask ANY Real Estate Agent or Broker BEFORE you start working with them or let them represent you in a transaction.

Owners guide Bonus #3

Income Property Owner Checklist

If you invest in foreign real estate for cash flow, who will manage it?

Will you self-manage it or hire a property management company?  

To help you decide what's best, this guide will walk through a 10 step process with detailed considerations to help you make that very important decision - wisely.

 IF you COULD hire Dawn (her time is Super Valuable) the fee would be $5000 USD for her Knowledge and Guidance...

Learn how to become a Savvy Investor for a Fraction of the Cost

This introductory course is a

limited time offer!

"Dawn, you’ve obviously done your homework!  I've been in real estate sales for 30 years, including selling property in Mexico. I think this is an invaluable tool for anyone thinking about buying overseas real estate."

- Cori K., Ontario, Canada

"What a wonderfully informative investing guide you provide.  It answers all the questions I had and many more. Buying property in a foreign country can be overwhelming and you have covered everything a novice buyer should know before purchasing

property in Mexico. Thanks!"

- Karon K., Texas, U.S.A.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee that all our content will meet or exceed your expectations.  If you are not 100% satisfied with this course - for any reason at all - simply request a full refund.

That's our promise to you. We hate games, gimmicks and tricks as much as you do. 

We guarantee no hassles if you want a refund, so order with confidence. 

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

This PROGRAM will provide you with all the tools you need to:

Enjoy a dream home with a property “pays its own way”.

Discover endless opportunities with properties outside the U.S. 

with values you simply can’t find in the United States.

Gain the advantages of diversifying part of your assets

outside the U.S. dollar - and legal system.

Generate passive income to sustain the lifestyle you desire.

Lean the process of sifting through a virtual treasure trove of

properties on the market outside the U.S.

-Dawn Fleming

Here’s A Recap Of


When You invest in This AMAZING Offer!

  • Don't Get Gringo'ed Buying Foreign Real Estate Workshop

    with Dawn ($397 Value)

  • ​An Offshore Dirt Bank: Protect Your Wealth by Buying Overseas Real Estate Guide & Quick Start Checklist ($697 Value)

  • ​​An Offshore Dirt Bank: Protect Your Wealth Audios ​($47 Value)

  • ​​Bonus #1: Insiders' Guide to Traveling the World..for FREE ($97 Value)

  • Bonus #2: Foreign Real Estate Agent Checklist ($197 Value)

  • ​Bonus #3: Owner's Guide to Property Management ($47 Value)

Total Value: $1482

But today, you're getting all of this...

For Only For $247

That's Less than the cost of ONE HOUR of Attorney Time!

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